Have you ever heard the golden advice to paint your walls neutral and just play with colourful accents? Then probably you instantly thought about a light shade of beige or gray paired with, let’s say, a couple of turquoise pillows.

Have you ever heard the golden advice to paint your walls neutral and just play with colourful accents? Then probably you instantly thought about a light shade of beige or gray paired with, let’s say, a couple of turquoise pillows.
It all started with a simple sketch Piotr made to determine the proportions and layout. The space from wall to wall was just right to fit five IKEA Billy bookcases (3 of these and 2 these) with gaps wide
This bedroom used to be a teenager’s room that I was to transform into a functional and relaxing guest bedroom. It needed not only a proper bed, but also lots of storage.
We are very proud to reveal one of our biggest DIY projects: the library!