Have you ever heard the golden advice to paint your walls neutral and just play with colourful accents? Then probably you instantly thought about a light shade of beige or gray paired with, let’s say, a couple of turquoise pillows.

Have you ever heard the golden advice to paint your walls neutral and just play with colourful accents? Then probably you instantly thought about a light shade of beige or gray paired with, let’s say, a couple of turquoise pillows.
When we bought our house three years ago we were so focused on bigger tasks – like renovating the kitchen – that all we did in the bedrooms was just refreshing the walls with a coat of off-white paint. We
Some people find them charming and practical. Others think they are out of date and hard to blend with modern decor. Many seek advice on whether to keep or remove them while renovating. In this post I’d like to present